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Covid-19 Policy


To all our patients,

We hope you are well and keeping safe during this unprecedented time.

We are glad to announce the clinic is now open to all, please call 0141 550 1000 to book your next appointment. 

We have put in place measures to ensure all staff and patients are protected during their visit to the clinic:


  1. All patients will be screened prior to their appointment

  2. A hand sanitising station will be available at reception.

  3. Treatment rooms and public surfaces will be disinfected before and after each appointment

  4. All staff will have the appropriate PPE

  5. We have limited the number of patients in the clinic at any one time to allow social distancing

  6. All payments will be made with card

  7. Protective screen is installed around reception desk

  8. Patients will be asked to wear a mask to their appointment (with the exception of those with breathing problems). 


We would like to inform all patients that we have slightly increased most of our treatment prices due to the increased cost/use of PPE and additional cleaning procedures.  Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation. 


The Glasgow footcare clinic is now open Monday to Wednesday 10am – 5pm,  Thursday 10am – 7pm and Friday 10am – 3pm, we hope the new hours are more flexible for our patients. 

We look forward to seeing you all soon.

Glasgow footcare

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