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Treatments & Pricing


Ingrown Toenails: £40-£65


Removal of problematic ingrown toenails. A local anaesthetic may be used to numb the area. 

Nail Surgery: from £270


Ingrown toenails can be painful and often become infected. This minor surgery can be carried out under local anaesthetic offering a permanent solution to painful ingrown toenails. 

Biomechanical Assessment: £70


An in-depth assessment of the lower limb, investigating any abnormalities that may be causing pain or discomfort when walking/running/during sport or activity.  This assessment of the foot function and gait will allow our Podiatrists to offer the best treatment plan for you.

Orthotics: £60-£80


Specialised orthotics can be given to improve foot function and reduce stress over painful structures. 

Verruca Treatment: £40-£65 


Verruca are warts on your feet and can be difficult to treat. We provide a range of treatment options including our new revolutionary Dermojet treatment.

Diabetic Footcare: £40


We provide holistic and specialised foot care for patients with diabetes 

Toe Nail Cutting: £27


Treatment for general toe nail cut.

*Note: This service is available for returning patients only. This does not include problematic nail conditions.

Problematic Toenails: £32


This appointment is for patients who have thickened,

irregular or fungal nail infections

Home Visit Service: £48


We provide home visits in the local Glasgow area.

Routine Podiatry/Chiropody: £40


This treatment includes nail cutting, hard skin/corn removal and management of fungal nails.

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